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About Muad Hassan

A Voice for All

As someone who came to Minnesota with nothing, I know how hard and tough life can be. I had to work low paying jobs to make ends meet and support my family while going to school. Along the way, I had to overcome so many obstacles that now shape my life. I knew early on that if people got the right tools and resources, most would achieve their American dream. Unfortunately, life is not fair. I am running for office to make sure everyone gets the tools and resources they need to succeed. I want to fight to give everyone the right to a free college education, better paying jobs, equal pay for equal work, free Healthcare, affordable housing, equal justice for everyone, and most important of all, the right to decide for yourself about yourself. These are issues that affect every American no matter their race. I will fight for everyone, all the time. I will be a Voice for All.

Muad Hassan

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